
image image image imageHarley ‘s internal damage was just too much , they don’t know where the kidney damage came from , chemo they were using should not have caused it. The cancer had spread to his lungs . It is hard to let him go , I console myself with the fact that he will be released from pain and it is no kind of life. He was such a good dog ! He lived with lots of love it will be hard to get over. Thank you all for your messages of love and support. I wish you and your pets all the best on your journeys.

9 thoughts on “Harley”

  1. I’m in tears for sweet Harley. So sorry for your loss. I don’t have any words except that you did what was best for your pup. Hugs, thoughts and prayers for you during this difficult time
    Julie and Buddy

  2. I was so hoping this would not be the outcome.

    I’m just so very, very sorry. I cry with you and for you. My heart hurts for you.

    You are giving Harley the most selfless gift possible…the gift of release from an earthly body that no longer serves him.

    This piece of crap disease is brutal and savage and cruel. It makes up its own rules and is completely unpredictable.

    You gave Harley every chance possible! Harley knows that. Harley had so much love from you and he enjoyed having you as his human every second of every day.

    I want to come back when my thoughts are a little more clear.

    Harley captivated my heart with every single day more and more with every post and every adorable picture! He is such a spectacular looking doggy.

    You can’t look at his photos without smiling and smooching the screen.

    I’ll be back dear friend…

    Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah

  3. I’m so very sorry to hear this. Harley had the best life with you as a pawrent. You made every decision based on love and quality of life best for Harley including this very hardest last one. Harley will always be with you in your heart and in memories. We cry with you on this hardest of days. Fly free beautiful Harley, you’ve earned those Angel wings.
    Linda & Spirit Mighty Max

  4. I am totally heart broken for you I keep crying!
    Harley is beautiful and will stay beautiful forever on rainbow bridge waiting until the day you come to reunite with him.
    They are in our hearts sealed in there forever. I know it’s so hard to make the decision but I totally believe it’s the most selfless act we can do for these wonderful family members that have arrived in our lives!
    Lots of love and hugs your way from me and Leo xxxx

  5. so so sorry.. tears flow all the way to you, may your heart heal with knowing you faught the fight!1

    Neka & steph

  6. I am so sorry to hear about Harley’s crossing. My thoughts & prayers are with you.
    Run Free Harley

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  7. I’m sorry Harley has gone on ahead. The special one’s never really leave. Harley will live on forever in your heart and so will always be by your side.

    Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

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