Thank you all

I so appreciate all your thoughts and words. In my head I know there was no other choice, he was in pain and it was my job to ease it. My heart on the other hand is crushed. I love all my dogs I have a Dane , a terrier mix and a pekinese but Harley was the best dog I ever had and he was stuck on me, he loved his dad but him and his mom had something special. I can’t believe I will not see his face everyday .

Thanks for letting me sob

harleys mom

3 thoughts on “Thank you all”

  1. I just got caught up.. Im so so sorry for your loss. So crazy.
    Do you mind me asking what chemo he was on when this happened? So very sorry. Heart and paw prayers to your family!!

    Neka & Steph

  2. It was carboplatin but according to oncologist the chemo did not do it even though we were told he had a low grade cancer it had metastasized to his lung and this is probably the reason his kidneys shut down. It just didn’t show up till now all his test were in normal ranges into his third chemo maybe the cancer had already started this before we knew he even had it , just don’t know but now we have had to pay the price .

  3. You sob all you want with us. No o e needs to hide their grief here…we understand like no others can.

    The void is just heartbreaking. I know it seems impossible right now, but eventually the happier times will start to fill the void.

    Jerry always reminds us that the transition is just a blink of an eye compared to the thousands of joyful days you and Harley shared 24/7.

    Harley, and all your pack, have more love and joy from you that any doggy could hope for every second of their earthly lives. That love goes with them…and their love stays here with you.

    Surrounding you with Harley’s eternal grace..

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